Did you know there are 500,000 conferences, conventions and trade shows in the U.S. annually?
Holy moly!
That’s a lot of events to choose from.
And, I hate to tell you this, but not all of the conferences are of equal caliber.
Even the best conference will be a waste of time and money if it isn’t the right fit for you.
So how do you pick the one or two you should attend?
The first thing you need to do is to determine what your intention is.
What are you trying to accomplish from going to a conference?
Try to be unbiased – having been in the past doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for you today.
If your intention is to do business, does your ideal client even go to this event?
If not, where are they? That is where you need to be.
Think about what you want to get out of the conference…
What is it you want to accomplish?
Who do you want to meet?
Is there a specific person/people you want to create a relationship with?
Do you want to walk off with a new client?
Or start the conversation for new business?
Are you looking for a “partner in crime” or someone you can cross-market with?
Or perhaps you are in the market for potential contractors?
Do you have something you need to do in your business and you are looking for talent?
Are you going simply to learn the content?
Before looking for an event – always know your goals and why you are going.
Then, start researching and find the conferences that best fit your needs.
Call the organizers for more information.
Know someone who has been? Call to confirm it is actually a fit (and get tips).
Alright, you know your goals and chose a conference…what’s next?
Intentions led you to your event – they will help ensure your success when you get there too.
Write out your intention for the conference (at least one, no more than three) and bring it with you.
If you need help choosing an intention, ask yourself the following questions:
Are there particular questions you want answers for?
A specific topic you want to learn more about?
Remember, every conference is full of people with skills that you don’t have. Can any of those people fill a need in your life?
What are you going to share?
What are you bringing to the space?
What is your contribution?
What are you going to give?
Remember, going to a conference is about more than just taking. In order to create long-term relationships, you need to give. One of my clients put the link to one of her classes directly on her business cards, so every time she hands out her card she is giving away a class. What can you do/share to be of value?
What is your favorite conference? Share it in the comments.
Until then…stay passionate!