Insights from Dana
From Slump to Surge: 5 Immediate Actions to Boost Slow Sales

What do you do when numbers are down?

First, you make sure that you’re looking at the whole picture, not just the segments where you’re used to seeing the most sales.

Because the truth is that traditional sales channels and primary client relationships are slowing down for a lot of companies, but other revenue streams are steadily growing.

That’s why you need to sit down with your data and find out:

Are sales really down?

This blog is all about what to do when the answer is, “yes.”


Tune Into Sales Patterns

While you’re digging into your data, check your seasonal sales trends over the last 4-6 years.

  • How does seasonality impact your business?
  • Do your highest revenue periods frequently reflect holidays, specials, or sales?
  • Is this season typically a slower season for your company?

As an ambitious business leader, sometimes you get so zoomed in on your current goals and moving forward that you aren’t tuned in to the ebbs and flows of your company. These questions help you find perspective and tune into the natural rhythms of your business that unfold over the course of years and seasons rather than quarters, months, or weeks.

Turn Panic Into Productivity

When sales slow down, even the savviest business founders feel a slight sense of panic. Money is tied to our deepest survival instincts, so it’s only natural to feel that way.

If you’re feeling sales panic, whether a little or a lot, acknowledge it. Because trying to ignore it or bottle it up is a sure way to guarantee that your sales panic seeps through your next steps.

And desperation doesn’t sell.

So admit to yourself that you’re feeling stressed and uncertain. Take a deep breath. Then remind yourself of all the how-am-I-going-to-do-this moments you’ve already overcome in your business.

Now, let’s do it again.


Your Intentional Sales Strategy

Before you get started with your next steps, decide what you’re selling.

That doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to sell something else if the opportunity arises. It means you’re choosing to take intentional, strategic action to solve the problem, not just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

Because trying to sell anything to anyone has a way of bringing back that frantic, panicked feeling. And that only makes it harder for you to close the sale.

Are you committing to your high-ticket offer because you’ll need to make fewer sales?

Or because it offers you the best ROI?

Are you getting behind a mid-tier offer because it’s your most popular product?

Or are you focusing on a lower ticket offer because it’s an easy and consistent seller, so you aren’t stressed about needing to make more of them?

Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to start selling. 

Here are five immediate actions to take to break your sales slump.

1. Email Your Offer to Your List

Anyone on your list who is bothered by a sales email wasn’t going to buy anyway. Send the offer for the folks who want to work with you. Tell them to forward it to anyone in their network who could benefit from it.

2. Contact Your Clickers

While you’re in your email marketing software, look at who has been clicking your links in your latest campaigns. Send them an offer email that speaks to the stories, problems, and solutions you shared that left them clicking for more.

3. Share Your Offer on Social

Post it and pin it to the top of your profile. Add it to your featured posts. Ask your network to share it and your name. Your post doesn’t have to go viral, or even very far, if it’s reaching the right people. So share it everywhere.

The whole reason these are your first three steps is because these actions will continue working for you while you work on the next ones.

4. Follow Up on Phased Projects and Proposals

Do you have pending projects with existing clients? Now is the time to follow up. Reach out directly with a personal call or email. Check in on them and the latest developments. Are they ready to move forward? If not, can you offer support to help them get there?

5. Get Networking

New actions and connections lead to new possibilities. Whether you seek out networking groups in your local community or online, you need to actively interact with other people. You don’t have to pitch everyone, in fact, please don’t. Focus on being present and authentically engaged so that when you do make a sales pitch it’s because it feels aligned.


Beat the Slump and Boost Your Sales

Ultimately, the challenges you face in your business are opportunities to learn if you’re willing to. When you get strategic and take intentional action instead of panicking, you uncover new possibilities to grow yourself and your business.

Ready to dive deeper into your numbers and the story they tell? Start here: 6 financial questions every business owner should ask.

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