The day in the life of a millionaire… can’t you just picture it? You wake up to a picturesque view outside your beach side villa. As you stretch in front of the open french doors, feeling the breeze flow in, your housekeeper brings you your silk robe. She places your freshly prepared, all organic breakfast on the bed (and delicately rests a little pink rose on top)…
Once you finish eating (you’ve taken all the time you want, of course), you get dressed to meet with your in house yoga instructor followed by your personal assistant who has brought a full run down of the day…You have a few meetings (and you reschedule a few just so you can have more space and time) and so on and so on…
But what about us?
The not-yet-millionaires? The wanna-be wealthy? The I’m still waiting for my big break gals?
Our days are not so picture perfect.
We’ve got daily chores, emails to answer, phone calls to make, schedules to organize, tasks to get done before we can rest…
We are the all-in-one assistant, chauffeur, chef, decorator, accountant, bookkeeper, marketer, and boss.
Because of this, it can seem almost impossible to imagine your life any other way. It seems too far fetched to consider being a millionaire or living their life style.
But, the truth of it all is, if you want to live that kind of lifestyle (or any lifestyle other than the one you’re living right now) you’ve GOT to imagine it.
Picture it.
Visualize it.
And then start to take little, daily action to making it happen.
All successful people do.
If you want your own big success, you’ve got to do it too.
Not just BIG action…
Take little, almost seems too small to make any real difference action. For example…
Let’s say Cindy wants to feel more confident when telling people about her business.
Now, in order to do this, there are big actions she can take and there are little actions she can take as well.
A big action is write down a smart, simple, short and direct way of presenting her business in such a way that people are begging to work with her. Plus, she’ll want to practice saying it over and over again so it flows out smoothly when she’s talking to someone.
A small action is to wear her sexiest lingerie when she goes out networking.
Why? Because I don’t know any women who doesn’t feel more confident when she’s wearing her sexiest lingerie.
The lingerie may seem small, but to Cindy it may make all the difference. She can remember that purple lace bra she’s got on and instantly stand up taller, more pronounced, which will make her look confident and purposeful.
Big Stuff right there. Especially when it comes to promoting your business.
No one wants to work with a shy, unsure, timid gal who doesn’t know what she does.
If we break down our millionaire’s day, you’ll notice it’s mostly the little things that made the day feel so rich…
- the rose atop the freshly made breakfast
- the open doors letting in fresh air
- the ability to take as much time as you want eating
- the ability to reschedule some meeting just because you want more space in your day
Most of these things you can do in your life right now, whether you’re a millionaire or not and I’m here to tell you…
You’ve got to act like a millionaire before you can become one.
It starts with the small actions. (Because big actions are just a lot of little small actions put together.)
Same goes for a 6-figure-aire or a multiple 6-figur-aire.
How to treat each day like the BIG SUCCESS you want –>
Take the small actions (think proper breakfast, open schedule, fresh air, sexy lingerie, etc…) that you can take right now (in house yoga instructor excluded ;-) to make your days feel like millionaire dollar days and I guarantee your big success will show up sooner than you can say “I don’t have time for any B.S. unless you’re talking about Big Success!”
What small actions are you going to start doing to make your days in to complete B.S. (Big Success) days? Let me know in the comments below.
Until then… stay passionate!
Thank You! The encouragement to keep doing the small changes will add up.
You’re welcome! Small changes all add up, often faster and in bigger ways than you could have ever imagined. Keep us updated.
Big Love,
Because you have to feel freaking fabulous to get on with yourself! Right Dana? Awesome…thank you…
Absolutely right on, Paulette!!
So funny that I just wrote a blog post about the day in the life of a warrior princess. LOL. My next blog will be what my life looks like when I’m done with all of this icky health stuff. Thank you for the inspiration. See how amazing you are? I can apply your message to any part of my life.
I love that I inspire you to be a warrior princess! You in turn inspire me!
Such Big Love!
This reminds me of a song from the Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Christmas special:
Just put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking out the door. Just put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking out the door.
Amazing how that has stuck with me for 40+ years!
That made me laugh and immediately brought back my own memories about Rudolph. I used to walk the streets of Manhattan singing from that show . People must have thought I was crazy. I still hum it to myself at times.
Thanks for reminding me,