business coach  
They’ll Bypass Everyone Else to Get to You

They’ll Bypass Everyone Else to Get to You

Customers expect orders to be filled. They don’t always expect their hearts to be filled. But if you unexpectedly provide that? They’ll come running back to you the next time and the next time and the next time. When you do more than give people what they pay for, you...

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Planning for SUCCESS

Planning for SUCCESS

Success doesn’t happen without a plan. Several plans, actually. So when you sit down today to create your 2018 Money Map, you’re going to do three things: Take note of all the Big Rocks that happen in 2018. Big Rocks are all the events that have immovable dates:...

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This Will Blow Your Mind

This Will Blow Your Mind

This post comes to you smack between Earth Day and Arbor Day. I love the symbolism of these two days. Encouraging all of us to take a moment to step outside, breathe the fresh air…and make a little more of it. If you’re like me, Earth Day brings the iconic vision of...

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I’m Done With The Client Acquisition Game

I’m Done With The Client Acquisition Game

As much as I love sales, I’m tired of the client acquisition game. I don’t know about you… But I am getting pretty sick of constantly worrying about where my next client is coming from. So, I figured out a way to drop that worry and stop focusing on acquiring new...

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Are You an Overloaded CEO?

Find out which Swamped Business Owner Syndrome is keeping you inundated, stressed, and exhausted.

Take this personalized business assessment to find your strategic next steps.