business coach  
My Name Is Dana, And I’m An Addict

My Name Is Dana, And I’m An Addict

That’s right. You heard me. I’m an addict. I’ve tried to kick the habit… But whenever I go too long my skin starts to crawl. My mouth gets dry. My heart starts racing. I need a fix… I need to make another sale! I love selling – which is one of the things that makes me...

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New Isn’t Always Better

New Isn’t Always Better

Alright, it is time to go to your networking event. You are all psyched up – cards in hand – ready to make some connections. You have been attending this event for a couple of months now, so you already know a few people in the room. Let’s say there are 50 people at...

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Things People Will Pay For Volume Two – Health

Things People Will Pay For Volume Two – Health

If you have missed the last couple of weeks let me catch you up (and cry a little bit in my head – I was so lonely without you!) We are in the middle of a series about finding your clients by starting with from the end result (you earning a client’s business) and...

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Are You an Overloaded CEO?

Find out which Swamped Business Owner Syndrome is keeping you inundated, stressed, and exhausted.

Take this personalized business assessment to find your strategic next steps.