Insights from Dana
The Magical Rainbow Unicorn of Business

Damn, I love what I do!

Helping businesses to grow and thrive – and bringing joy back into the life of the business owner…there is nothing quite like it.

While I always love my business – and Q4 is always a great time for me – I have been feeling particularly inspired after the Great Scholarship Project of 2017.

That’s how it feels…I knew the scholarship stuff would be cool, but it snowballed into something so much greater than I imagined.

So, to keep the momentum going, I am opening up THREE Catapult spots  which will wrap up by year end.

Let me tell you a little about Catapult Immersion:

When I think about Catapult…I often don’t know where to begin.

Honestly, it is amazing and awesome.

It is like the magical rainbow unicorn of business (except it isn’t a myth).

I am confident if we got all my past Catapult clients together they would say: “Hell yes! You need this.”

In fact, one client said, “I’ve made things happen that I didn’t think were possible…If you are ready to kick ass in your business and in your life, run, don’t walk, to see if Dana is the right fit for you.”

Another client doubled his income in six months – while only working three weeks a month.

Another went from bankruptcy to seven figures in less than two years.

What can a three months in Catapult do for you?

Here’s how it works.

You get eight phone sessions with me.

During these calls, I dig into your bigger vision (the why, the how, and the for who) so I can determine what’s stopping you from reaching it.

After the first five or six calls, you will come to my office for two full days in beautiful Portland, Oregon (this is the “immersion” part).

During these two days we will strategize, create a plan and prioritize your actions so you can move full speed ahead towards implementation.

I promise you these days will change your life and business (for the better) forever.

Then, we will use your last two or three calls to make sure you are on track and catapulting your business to new levels of success.

Did you make the money you set out to make this year?

Did you serve as many people as you could have?

What are you up to next year?

How does your business need to pivot in 2018 to achieve your big vision and goals?

You owe it to yourself and your business to finish the year strong.

Over the years, I have learned that businesses tend to morph a little every 6 months.

They pivot – and sometimes we are slower to catch on to this change.

We keep trying to do the things we were doing before…until their ineffectiveness can’t be denied any longer.

In my business, I have gone through these pivots with a coach and without.

And to be really transparent, it is the time I have had someone there with a second pair of eyes when it has been smoother, more fun, less emotionally draining, and the success at the end of it is clearly bigger than when I tried to do it myself.

If you can see that your business is starting to veer or morph into something new…

Or that there are new aspects of it and perhaps things that have always worked aren’t working…

Or you aren’t as happy with the services or things you are offering…

I am here for you.

We will look at your business model, structure, and make sure who and what you are serving, is all in alignment with the direction your business seems to want to go now – all in three months!

Yes, it is a lot of work but it is so fun (and so worth it!)

If you want to start 2018 in a better place than you ever thought possible, reach out to me  to see if one of those THREE coveted Catapult spots can be yours.

Until then…stay passionate!

dana corey signature

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