What kind of impact would it have on your life if you reached your goals twice as fast as you thought possible?
With half the effort?
And without having to go on another coffee binge to work another late night?
I know for me it was FREEDOM.
Free from burnout.
Free from overwhelm.
Free to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, no matter how much it cost because I have an abundance of money coming in and the ability to create my own schedule.
But, that didn’t happen by accident.
It happened because of a SPECIFIC, STRATEGIC action plan I put in place.
I’m going to share that exact plan with you, but before I do…
Here’s why most business plan fail no matter how detailed they are:
They are driven by the wrong motivators.
What do I mean by that?
They are so focused on “how to get rich quick” and “how to make money while you sleep” that it doesn’t actually set up a structure and system in place so that you can enjoy all the money you earn on the vacations, the hobbies, the weekend getaways, the spa days, and whatever other surprises you really want because you’re up to your neck in to-do lists and tasks.
In other words…
To achieve freedom and independence, you must START WITH freedom and independence.
Here’s how:
Step #1: Think of what freedom means to you? What kind of things will you be doing? Where will you be vacationing? How many hours will you be working? What kind of things will you be buying? How much money will you be making? What do you feel like each morning when you wake up? Will you have regular massage appointments? Whatever freedom and independence looks like to you…
Step #2: Write them all down
Step #3: NOW you can write your action plan based around what you REALLY want (instead of what you think you thought you wanted LOL ;-)
Now that you are coming from the RIGHT place, you’ll be able to write your *new* action plan that will not only FEEL good, but it will also produce well.
It’s all about knowing what you want before you start taking action. Otherwise, you’ll end up running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Because if you don’t know where the goal is, how can you expect to make the shot?
Whatchya think? Was this post helpful? Let me know what you thought in the comments below.
Until then… stay passionate!
As an educator, I always backward plan. What is the end result I want from my learners? Then, how will I get them there? This makes total sense. What do I want the my life to be? Now, how do I get there? Thank you for putting this into perspective!