December is one of my favorite months.
The crisp chill in the air makes me want to bundle up with a hot drink and let my mind wander.
December is a great time for reflection.
And the perfect time to plan for the year ahead.
Many people take the time between Thanksgiving and New Years as a “break” from their business or other life commitments.
If you pre-planned the vacation and are ready to give 2017 a roundhouse kick to the face – awesome!
But, if you are one of the vast percentage of people that take this time off without a plan…
It’s time to stop.
Really think about what you are doing.
That is a lot of time to be missing out on business opportunities.
And, contrary to popular belief, other people are getting work done.
Maybe there is a little less clutter out there for you to compete with right now.
And, if there isn’t an opportunity to sell now, that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done.
What about all those things you didn’t have time for during the year?
Why not tackle some of them now before you get busy again?
December is the perfect time to focus on completion.
The year is completing whether we’re ready or not – so we might as well get some shit done!
But first, take some time to reflect, acknowledge, and celebrate your accomplishments.
Get your pen and paper, snuggle up with a peppermint mocha, and write down everything you accomplished this year.
List out everything that comes to mind.
Big. Small. All of it.
And once you think you’re done…write five more.
Now that you have your list, take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments.
You are so awesome!
Acknowledge what you’ve done and learned.
Celebrate your wins.
Really take in how far you’ve come and what you’ve made happen.
And one more thing…most people skip this part…but it is so important.
You need to celebrate your accomplishments.
This is more than just saying “Yay me” and moving on.
Take the time.
Plan something to do (either by yourself or with a loved one) to celebrate how much you have accomplished this year.
Make it something meaningful for you so it feels like a big deal.
Because, I don’t know if you know this, but you’re kind of a big deal.
And you deserve all the parties and celebrations.
It will help you get closure so you can plan the next awesome things for your life and business.
Stay connected!