Clichés may feel old and boring, but they’re based on truth! There’s one that that has the power to deliver results. For your soul.
And what’s good for your soul is good for your life, your business, and your profits.
That’s gratitude. Being grateful.
It’s not flashy or fancy. It’s not exciting.
It’s real.
It’s potent.
It has the potential to shift worlds. Think about that for a sec.
When you’re grateful for the people around you, for your success, for your struggles (yes, you have to be grateful for those, too), something lifts off your shoulders.
Think of ingratitude as a massive boulder we walk around with. Once we release it, we feel lighter and more successful, immediately.
And when you internalize that success, it breeds more.
2017 Is Coming To a Close
As is tradition at this time of year, during Thanksgiving, I reflect on what’s passed and experience thanks. I am truly thankful.
Even if 2017 wasn’t the year I hoped it would be, I’m deeply grateful.
Because when I reached a point where I was questioning my own abilities as an entrepreneur – after 30 years in business – my community, my colleagues, my clients, (and my adored husband), all reminded me of who I am and what I do.
They gave me language that I had been missing around what matters to me. And that language powered the birth of Nourish Dinners™ that will be launching in 2018.
You see, nourishment walks hand-in-hand with gratitude. It’s a springboard to giving without feeling depleted and gives us strength to continue when we think we can’t.
Gratitude Is a Superpower
And if you aren’t feeling it, learn to cultivate it. Success and satisfaction truly aren’t possible otherwise.
Pay reverent attention what you’re thankful for.
What your life would be like if you didn’t have that team, that client, that community, or that spouse.
Think about how your life would be less rich if you didn’t have the people and things in it that you have.
Take some time to sit with the real feelings of NOT having them. FEEL the lack. Just like the dark allows us to appreciate the light, getting clear on the lack allows us to appreciate what we have.
Once you know in your bones how ease, flow and support your people bring into your life and business, TELL them. This is not a time to be shy. Or shallow. Because hollow words of gratitude bring no shifts. Feel into gratitude with all of your being.
I am truly and deeply grateful for you. On an every-cell-of-my-being, soul level.
Because of YOU, I am here writing to you, hopefully guiding you to an easier tomorrow in your life and business. Because of YOU, I am who I am.
My only wish is that I had a table big enough to seat all the people I want to nourish this Thanksgiving. YOU would have a seat at that table.
Thank YOU!!
Gratitude isn’t cliché. It’s power. What are you grateful for today?
Until next time…stay passionate!