Business is a process.
Entrepreneurship is a process.
(No…that isn’t the secret!)
When I first started doing direct sales with Pampered Chef – I couldn’t believe I was doing home parties.
Actually, I was a little incredulous with myself that I was going to do it.
After 6 months it was clear that network marketing is more than meets the eye.
They sell it to you like it is a business…
But it is really a personal growth course.
Within the first 6 months I became a completely different person.
Some of the change was imperceptible at the time.
Some of the changes felt dramatic.
I had the opportunity to grow along with my business (often unintentionally).
After 15 years of home parties and network marketing, I was sure had grasped it all.
“I’m there!” I thought…
“I don’t need any more personal growth.”
Certainly not in the form of business.
Oh, if only I could go back to the poor, simple person I was then and smack some sense into my crazy self.
I’ve had my coaching business for 3 years now.
During that time, it has been my honor to work with tons of people from many different kinds of businesses.
And I have learned one thing.
One hidden secret of being an entrepreneur.
When you create something successful that changes people’s lives…
Which you also have the good fortune to get paid for…
It is a really (REALLY) intense personal growth course.
Look at who you are today.
I dare you to tell me that you are the same person you were when you started your business.
The good news?
It is really exciting!
If you have your eyes open to those opportunities, you can really take advantage of them.
By being an entrepreneur you have built expansion into your life, whether you wanted to or not.
Which is really cool.
What is your big personal growth moment? Share it in the comments!
Until then…stay passionate!