Insights from Dana
Is anyone out there? Does anyone care?

I’ve done this blog weekly for almost two years.

That is more than 100 posts.

More than 100 ideas.

More than 100 opportunities to connect (with you).

I truly love my blog…

But just like everyone else…

Sometimes I really struggle with what I want to say.

In those moments I feel like my mind has been zapped.

Wiped clean.

Stripped of every possible thought…except one:

Does anyone even want to hear what I have to say?

Haven’t I already said it all?

My current writer’s block was getting bad.

Usually I write about what I’ve done in my business or with my clients.

But, as I was preparing for this post, I was spending glorious days in Cali with my best friend.

Talking to my clients in the morning and spending my afternoons at the pool.

(Yes, it was as fantastic as it sounds.)

This was a much-needed break.

I was feeling tapped out and needed of a change of scenery.

But, as a business owner, your responsibilities are still there.

So, what do you do when you feel like your brain is full of cement?

It’s a crazy idea…but I find it works to ask for help.

First, I asked my best friend and her husband (they are commercial beekeepers with 5,000 hives!)

We drank wine, watched the sun go down, and talked business.

That gave me some inspiration.

And then I asked the people in my community, “What do you want to know?”

When they started answering…I felt this huge relief.

I didn’t have to figure it out by myself and I wasn’t alone in this.

Yes, asking for help is hard.

When it comes to the thing that is closest to us – our baby (our business) – we feel like we always need to know what to do and how to do it.

And I think the attitude of “I am going to do it alone” can really back us into a corner.

If we insist on going solo, things start to unravel.

When I asked for help, I got tons of ideas (and validation that people truly are still interested in hearing from me).

Now I feel motivated and ready to tackle those topics – I hope you are ready to read the answers!

What has you stuck? I challenge you to reach out for help at least once this week. It will feel so good – I know you can do it! Share your success in the comments.


Until then…stay passionate!





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