Do you know the story of Jack and Bill?
Not to be confused with the ever popular Jack and Jill hill story.
It’s a short story, but it’s packed with invaluable business insights that any independent business owner should know.
If you don’t know it, there’s a big chance you could be wasting a lot of time in your business…
And when you waste a lot of time in your business you waste a lot of…
MONEY! You miss out on a lot of money too.
So, let’s stop beating around the bush. Here’s the infamous story of Jack and Bill…
Jack and Bill both went into business
To make their dreams come true
Jack got a plan and went to work
While Bill bought every shiny object he could find (that he probably didn’t need) even if he hadn’t fully completed and taken in the last program he bought… Which lead him to never actually implement anything, thereby pushing his dreams further and further away…
True story :)
Seriously through…
If you don’t have a solid, actionable plan that you LOVE, you’ll pick up any idea that sounds good enough… until you hear about a NEW, shiny, good enough idea.
Some call this shiny object syndrome.
I know I had it when I first started out…
Until I had a serious heart to heart with myself. I asked the all important questions…
Do I want to be good enough, or so good people can’t help but want to work with me?
I think you know which one I chose.
I pass the torch and ask you the same question:
Do you want to be good enough, or so good people can’t help but want to work with you?
Honey child, you better not answer “good enough”…
Not while I’m around.
You are more than enough. Maybe your plan isn’t 100% there yet, but what you have to offer to your clients, to your business, to humanity is MORE than enough and MORE than needed.
It’s time to kick that shiny object syndrome to the curb.
If the main “block” keeping you from having the business of your dreams is that your story looks more like Bill’s story than like Jack’s story, you’re in luck…
There is a remedy.
It’s called:
…BUT…and there is a but…
There is a wrong way to make a plan.
I’ll tell you all about that in next week’s DOD.
Until next time…Stay BIG…and stop hanging out with Bill.
PS: Did you like the story of Jack and Bill? Who are you more like? What are you going to do to become even more like Jack? Let me know in the comments below?
Until then… stay passionate!
WOW, Dana I saw myself so clearly and also how I have allowed myself to be distracted by Bill!
Thank you for your clear speaking of MORE than enough!! Each of us have been individually crafted with specifics gifts and talents to be used in God’s great plan.
What you have also highlighted is the comparison game and looking at someone else, their gifts, talents and successes and mis-thinking that is what would make us happy. Actually, God’s blessings in His ultimate design are not the same for each of us. Nor does success and love come in the same way or is expressed the same way.
Thank you for your message today and helping me to shift my gaze and focus. Have a blessed and joy filled week!
In Peace and Health,
Sabrina Wright
You’re welcome Sabrina!! Thanks for reading.
Big Love,
I’ve been thinking and thinking since I last replied to one of your DODs. I do know what I want to do with my life now! Woo hoo! I haven’t figured out how to get it done yet, but I’m making baby steps. I visualize myself as an artist first and foremost, doing curriculum and instruction work from home. It’s my dream to be able to incorporate my creative strengths into what I do. I’ve been feeling stifled and financially strapped over the past year. Yes, I know the medical stuff probably has something to do with that, but honestly cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me. It opened my eyes to the fact that I need to do what makes my spirit happy and what I was put on this earth to do. So, thank you, Dana for making me think this out! I love reading your words of wisdom. You never cease to bring some new learning and motivation into my life.