I love to travel. I mean seriously… I freaking love it. It is in my bones. I get itchy if I am at home for more than 6 weeks. I like to travel and meet new people and all of that stuff. But sometimes…I get sick of it! Earlier this year I had a really long stint of...
You Are Probably Wrapping Up Conferences Wrong
Last week I talked about getting into the right mindset for a conference. Today, I am wrapping up this series of tips on conferences with “how to be” when you are there – and after – to make sure you get the most bang for your conference buck. If you know me at all,...
Are Good People Really That Hard To Find?
I’ve heard all the naysayers when it comes to hiring: “No one can do it like I do.” “There aren’t enough good people out there.” “It’s hard to get good help.” And the mantras, like… “Hire slow, fire fast.” Hiring the right employees is one of the fundamental ways of...
New Isn’t Always Better
Alright, it is time to go to your networking event. You are all psyched up – cards in hand – ready to make some connections. You have been attending this event for a couple of months now, so you already know a few people in the room. Let’s say there are 50 people at...
Conquering The Fear Of Rejection So You Can Network Like A Pro
Last week, I talked about networking events and how they are my favorite way to find clients. One thing I didn’t address was the fact that so many people hate the idea of going to an event like this – yes, I know it’s true. Let’s talk about the two big barriers to...
Now I Know Who My Customers Are – How Do I Find Them?
Hooray! We have completed the series on what people will spend money on (cue impromptu dance party). Now that you have figured out your offering and know you are selling something people are willing to pay for... what’s next? As much as I would love to tell you that...
Are You an Overloaded CEO?
Find out which Swamped Business Owner Syndrome is keeping you inundated, stressed, and exhausted.
Take this personalized business assessment to find your strategic next steps.