As much as I love sales, I’m tired of the client acquisition game. I don’t know about you… But I am getting pretty sick of constantly worrying about where my next client is coming from. So, I figured out a way to drop that worry and stop focusing on acquiring new...
Now I Know Who My Customers Are – How Do I Find Them?
Hooray! We have completed the series on what people will spend money on (cue impromptu dance party). Now that you have figured out your offering and know you are selling something people are willing to pay for... what’s next? As much as I would love to tell you that...
Things People Will Pay For Volume Five – Identity
Congratulations! You have made it to the last post in this series of the five categories (money, health, relationships, time, identity) people will spend money on. In this last post, we will talk about identity. This is a category that is easy enough to understand,...
Things People Will Pay For Volume Four – Time
We are nearing the end of this series of what categories (money, health, relationships, time, identity) people will spend money on. This week, we delve into the topic of time. Time is such a funny little animal. You never know how it will show up for you, or when....
Things People Will Pay For Volume Two – Health
If you have missed the last couple of weeks let me catch you up (and cry a little bit in my head – I was so lonely without you!) We are in the middle of a series about finding your clients by starting with from the end result (you earning a client’s business) and...
Are You an Overloaded CEO?
Find out which Swamped Business Owner Syndrome is keeping you inundated, stressed, and exhausted.
Take this personalized business assessment to find your strategic next steps.